Fabio Gasparetti

Currently Associate Professor at the AI Lab of ROMA TRE University. Previously visiting scientist and researcher at Nokia Bell Labs at Cambridge UK and Xerox PARC. Since 2017 member of the A.I. Task Force promoted by AgID (Agency for Digital Italy). He got his PhD in 2005 doing research on Adaptive Web Search.

He has collaborated and is still collaborating in National and International research projects regarding Internet technologies.

He has been reviewer of well established International Journals and stably involved in technical program committees of relevant int. conferences.

Some of his research interests are:

  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
  • User Modeling and Personalization
  • Recommender Systems

Current teaching activities

For Students:
Per approfondimenti su argomenti di tesi e tirocini contattare il docente.


Office Address:

Department of Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Roma Tre University
Via della Vasca Navale 79, I – 00146 Rome, Italy

Voice:+39 06 5733 3212
Fax:+39 06 5733 3612
Mobile Ext.: 81066
Room: DIA 203
Office Hours: Thursday afternoon by appointment.

MS Teams direct chat: link
e-Mail: gaspare [AT] dia [DOT] uniroma3 [DOT] it